Threat Detection, Threat Intelligence and Threat Hunting
Artificial Intelligence:- LLMs, Deep Learning, Machine Learning for Security Applications
Malware Research
Internet of Things (IoT) Security
Cyber Physical Systems Security
Blockchain Technologies
Dependable Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Embedded Systems (incl. Smart Cities, and Public Sensing).
Quality of Information (QoI)
NTU-CRPO: CyberSG R&D Programme Office (CRPO)
NTU-SPIRIT: Centre for Smart Platform Infrastructure Research on Integrative Technology (SPIRIT)
NUS-Singtel: NUS-Singtel Cyber Security Research and Development Laboratory
ReSILIoT: Research & Security Innovation Lab for Internet of Things
Identification of IoT Devices behind NAT - Seed Grant: Identification of IoT Devices behind NAT while Ensuring the Preservation of Data Privacy
AIADS: Advanced-Intelligent Anomaly Detection System
DFG GKMM: Cooperative, Adaptive and Responsive Monitoring in
Mixed Mode Environments
DEWSnet: Dependable Embedded Wireless Sensor NETworks
FP7 INSPIRE: INcreasing Security and Protection through
Infrastructure REsilience
FP7 COMIFIN: Communication Middleware for Monitoring
Financial CI
" LLMs for Binary Malware Detection ".
" General Multi-Channel Convolutional Residual Network Traffic Classification Approach Based on Traffic Behavior Representation ".
" HABIT: A Holistic Framework for Detecting Anomalous Behavior of IoT Services ".
" Detection and Investigation of Advanced Persistent Threats Through Abated and Optimized Threat Only Prudent Provenance Analysis ".
" ZeroData: Data Augmentation for Network Anomaly Detection Through a JointGAN ".
" Malware Detection through Lightweight Multi-Feature Based Lenient Hybrid Approach ".
" Compact and Versatile Threat Profiling by Embedding Provenance Graph ".
" Malicious Email Attachment Detection ".
" A Comprehensive Threat Inspection Mechanism for Threat Make Ready ".
" A Novel Behavior Based Authentication Compromise Detection Approach ".
" Advanced Persistent Threat Correlation, Prediction, Attribution, and CVE Mapping ".
" A Generalized Framework for Anomaly Detection Through Gradient Boosting Ensemble of Diverse Autoencoders ".
" An Eminently Advanced Hybrid Approach for Holistic Advanced Persistent Threat Detection and Defense ".
"TPC: Urb-IoT 2019 - 4th EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space", 2019
"Speaker: Shake-Ups in the Emerging IoT Security Landscape", IoT Asia, 2019
"Speaker: Identification of IoT Devices behind NAT while Ensuring the Preservation of Data Privacy", Technology Talk, Cyber Security Consortium, NUS, 2019
"Speaker: Let the Cat out of the Bag: Exposing Internet of Things", Cyber Security Consortium, NUS, 2018
"Speaker: Security Testbed For Internet of Things", Cyber Security Workshop, SUTD, 2018
"TPC: International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS)", 2018
"Speaker: Probe into Internet of Things", Cyber Risk Symposium, OCBC, 2018
"Speaker: Security Analysis of Internet of Things", Singapore Autonomous Vehicles Collaboration, Sentosa, 2017
"Speaker: EURAXESS – Voice of the Researchers' ", EURAXESS, Belgium, 2014
"Speaker: Trading Transport Timeliness and Reliability for Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks", GKmM Workshop, Obenwald, 2011
"Speaker: Mobility Assisted Adaptive Sampling for Delay Tolerant Networks in Rescue Scenario", GKmM 2010
"Tutor: TinyOS: Operating System for Wireless Sensor Networks", Block Course, 2010
"Speaker: Quality of Information in Wireless Sensor Networks", Dagstuhl 2010
"Lightweight Decentralized Access Control for Internet of Things", SUTD, 2019
"Advanced Intelligent Comprehensive Security Analysis of Internet of Things", Cyber Security Workshop, SUTD, 2018
"Security Analysis of Internet of Things", Singapore Autonomous Vehicles Collaboration, Sentosa, 2017
"Automated Penetration Testing", SUTD, 2016
"Automated Internet of Things Security Testbed", SUTD, 2016
"Fast Indoor Radio-Map Building for RSSI-based Localization Systems", at the International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS), Kassel, Germany, June 2012.
"Mobility Assisted Adaptive Sampling in Wireless Sensor Networks", at the International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS), Kassel, Germany, June 2010.
"Indoor Localization and Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks", at the GKmM 2009.
Program Committe Chair: Summer School on Cooperation of Robots and Sensor Networks, July 22-27, 2012, Ebernburg, Germany.
Session Chair: GKmM Workshop 2011.
Session Chair: Summer School on Cooperative Monitoring in Robot and Sensor Networks, August 2010, Blacksburg, USA.
Program Committe Chair: Summer School on Cooperative Monitoring in Robot and Sensor Networks, August 2010, Blacksburg, USA.
Session Chair: Dagstuhl Workshop 2010.
Session Chair: Dagstuhl Workshop 2009.
" A complete full time scholarship for pursuing Masters (Univ. of Trento- Sponsered by Italian Gov. and ArsLogica Srl)"
" Recipient of Rajyapurskar (State Award) for National Cadet Corps and Scouts"
" First Industry Award, SUTD. In recognition of the exceptional research."
IEEE, ACM, IEEE Computer Society